eWay-Server: Legal Notice

eWay-server.net is a development of AD[zwo] IT GmbH.

Company name and address

AD[zwo] IT GmbH
Lachener Straße 112
DE-67433 Neustadt / Weinstraße

Fon, Fax, eMail, Web

Fon: +49 (0)6321 - 4991 110
Fax: +49 (0)6321 - 4991 199
eMail: mail@ad-zwo.de
Web: https://www.ad-zwo.de

Commercial register and tax number

Trade Registry: Ludwigshafen, HRB 61050
Managing Director: Ulrich Scherrer
VAT Number: DE 259 130 453

Responsible for the content of the website

Ulrich Scherrer, contact details above